Here’s another gem for the TO DO IN NEW YORK IMMEDIATELY LIST: a snoop at the Met Museum’s summer installation in its rooftop garden. This year, British artist Cornelia Parker has built a replica of… the house in Hitchcock’s 60s cult movie, Psycho. Genius! What’s even more brilliant about it, is that it’s all made from salvage of an abandoned barn in Upstate New York! Since I’m currently in the UK, I couldn’t resist a little rummage around the internet to find out more about this Psycho house.
When Parker was approached to create the installation for the rooftop, she said the amazing skyline made the task feel daunting. Eventually, she decided she wanted to create something that really stood out architecturally so started researching ramshackle old buildings, coming across Edward Hopper’s painting House by the Railroad (1925)…
…Which it turned out also inspired Hitchcock.
What could be more dramatic than the sight of this crumbling rural Victorian home on the top of a museum, surrounded by the lush greenery of Central Park and New York high risers? It’s an eye-catching scene that looks eerie, yet beautiful at the same time, especially at sunset.
NOTE: There’s also a bar serving wine and cocktails on the top, so you can grab a glass, and browse the art while you sip!
Find The Met Museum at 1000 Fifth Avenue.
The rooftop cafe is open Sunday to Thursday, 10am – 4.30 pm, and Fridays and Saturdays 10am to 8.15pm.
(Photos via The Met, Gina Brake Photography, Rebecca Zeller, and K Jimenez)
1 Comment
This is absolutely on my to-do list for this summer! The MET always has the coolest rooftop exhibits, and I love how they’re so interactive (and complete with a bar!;-) I’ll keep you posted on how it is, xo!